Create Test Credit Card Numbers.

Dummy credit card numbers with CVV, name & zipcode - for eCommerce data testing purposes.

Nicolas Anderson
Online Credit Card ValidatorNEW - Click here to validate credit card numbers

Credit Card Generator

Our Credit Card Generator tool's primary purpose is for software testing and data verification purposes. Instead of using a real credit card, you can use our 100% valid credit cards to safely test your websites & apps. Using our card numbers means no money will be deducted from any account whenever an application is being tested. It allows you to validate all payment testing scenarios such as credit card number length, format, type, issuing network etc.


  • Generate thousands of fake / dummy credit card numbers & details using our free bulk generator tool.
  • Download card details in three formats: JSON, XML & CSV.
  • Each card is generated with completely random information including name, address, zipcode and country! (USA, India, United Kingdom + more)
  • All major card issuers supported including VISA, Mastercard, Discover & American Express.
  • Free credit card validation tool - simply paste in a credit card number and our tool will check the validity and card type.
  • Suitable for all forms of data testing and verification purposes such as Stripe & PayPal Payments.

How it Works

Our card details are randomly generated using the Luhn (MOD 10) algorithm. All real credit cards follow this algorithm, they have fixed prefixes and can be easily identified (i.e VISA cards always start with a '4'). If you want to learn more about how the Luhn checksum formula works then check out an indepth breakdown. To try our tool, simply select your card type from above and click the 'Generate' button.


Credit Card Issuers & Networks

  • 4485893498687874
  • 4916186331009243
  • 4716395085406859
  • 5293559735319964
  • 5340831071050930
  • 5292598937654266
  • 347153574281951
  • 342992036418536
  • 344087615320993
  • 6221260928263992193
  • 6221261261973465055
  • 6566680934946360469
  • 3011416910793024
  • 3004978151311716
  • 3005656866570474
  • 3550716381410116
  • 3529710343643623
  • 35299059985088469
  • 8699054298602612
  • 8699340738109007
  • 8699812188509092
  • 818794519712884638
  • 6243885156773482567
  • 8141415467261339299
  • 3119954095122550495
  • 3179745981009682253
  • 3114249468545351625
  • 6521095177502496
  • 6062662218393436
  • 6522314907240767
  • 6365880628945628307
  • 6368766942288678586
  • 6364361681010987471
  • 6378058111517172
  • 6389528812447199
  • 6389258164329817
  • 6759594403462866
  • 6759473746250884
  • 676770212256788171
  • 6070235709300036
  • 6818882169396082
  • 5649868582762940
  • 5019301765268107
  • 5019404623443134
  • 5019191171624880
  • 2203398032748419
  • 2200852994644639
  • 2203074921715781

card logos

Benefits of using a Credit Card Generator

You’re probably still wondering how a credit card generator is useful whenever they cannot be used to purchase anything, right? Well it turns out there are loads of reasons why they’re useful, we’ve compiled a list of our top reasons:

Card Payment / E-Commerce Software Testing

The most common use case for a cc generator is to test software card payments. As a developer and tester, you have to make sure that your application handles card details correctly and that the system works as expected. Testing every credit card scenario is a complex and lengthy process, but using our cc generator speeds that up massively by allowing you to create thousands of valid details instantly.

Another valid use case is to test your PayPal checkout. If you have a website that is integrated with PayPal, you can use PayPal’s test environment to validate card details and make sure everything is working as designed. PayPal do provide you with sample details but CardGuru offers a larger variety of data and in 3 different formats.

Trial Accounts

Providing people with a trial period is a fantastic incentive that websites use to attract more customers. The problem is, many companies will renew your subscription once your trial period finishes which catches people out and costs them money. Amazon Prime is a great example of this where you’ve given a free 30 day trial but if you don’t cancel within 30 days you’ll automatically be charged for their service.

Using a credit card generator allows you to create trial accounts for websites and not be worried about losing money once the trial period expires. There are some users who try to game the system by continuously creating new trial accounts with dummy card details. This means their trial period never runs out and they get to use a websites service for free. This is a possible scenario but it is vehemently against our TOS we will block any users abusing our free platform. If a website catches you abusing their trial account system then expect your accounts to be terminated and being permanently blocked.

Bypass Verification and Prevent Scams

Some websites require you to provide credit card details to verify your identity. If you’re privacy conscious you’ll know that this is a bad idea and the less companies you supply your card details to – the better! With our credit card generator you can create valid card, name and address details. These can be used to sign up to sites and bypass identity/verification checks. Some websites have additional checks in place and will check with the issuer against the details you have provided, so it may not always work.

With billions of websites online, you’re more than likely to be targeted by a scam at some point in your life. If you have a suspicion that a website looks fake or illegal - never provide real credit card details – this could save you from major financial and person harm. In summary, if you’re apprehensive about providing your card details then it’s always a good idea to try our card generator first and see if it works for your use case.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a fake credit card generator?

A fake credit card generator creates valid credit card numbers that can be used for software data testing and other verification purposes. They cannot be used to purchase anything.

2. How does a fake card generator work?

Credit cards follow a specific format known as the Luhn algorithm (MOD 10). Each credit card issuer like VISA have their own prefixes. A credit card generator uses the Luhn checksum to create a valid card number.

3. Can I buy items with these credit card numbers?

No, generated credit card numbers can only be used for software testing and education purposes. They will NOT work if you try to purchase anything.

4. Do you offer any credit card numbers that have money on them?

No, we do not offer any credit cards that have money on them. There are a number of online banks such as Revolut & Starling Bank which offer virtual credit & debit cards. Our card numbers are for programming and verification purposes only.

5. How do you validate credit cards?

All credit card numbers are structured with a known format. They can be validated using a checksum called the Luhn Algorithm. Our Credit Card Number Validator checks the inputted number against the Luhn checksum and informs you if it is valid or not.

6. What does CVV mean?

The CVV Number ("Card Verification Value") is a 3 digit number on VISA, MasterCard and Discover credit/debit cards. On American Express cards it is a 4 digit numeric code. It is used in credit and debit cards for the purpose of verifying the owner's identity & reducing the risk of fraud. The CVV is also known as the card verification code (CVC) or card security code (CSC).

Please Note:

Credit card numbers generated via our website are valid (MOD 10) but cannot be used like an actual credit card.

They do not have any monetary value and cannot be used to purchase anything. They are generated randomly using the Luhn algorithm. They will pass any credit card validation/verification which makes them ideal for data testing.